Just my thoughts and interpation of events and situations. I have met some really nice people on this site, which I hope I can call friends. Hope to meet more. RoseNell
Published on November 21, 2008 By RoseNell In Community

1.  Is it just me or Wincustomize running very very slow on IE?  Not as slow on Foxfire.

2.  Has anyone tried the new IE8 Beta version yet.  Just wondering how buggy is maybe.

Have a great day....



on Nov 21, 2008

RoseNell, It's running that way for many of us though not so for others.  Ie8 is a beta so you might expect some problems.  Many users like it very much so far.  I use IE7 and have constant problems on WC.  No one has been able to figur it out yet.  Tomorrow it may be lightening fast.  Sorry I'm not much help, but if you get it figurd out please let me know.

on Nov 21, 2008

sometimes it runs slow sometimes fast - browser doesnt really affect it for me


New windowblinds are exceptionally slow

on Nov 21, 2008

Sorry I'm not much help, but if you get it figurd out please let me know.

No need to be sorry, you really did answer my question... Thanks

on Nov 21, 2008

New windowblinds are exceptionally slow

Yes, some I notice crash my IE... Never did before. Don't know whats going on.