Just my thoughts and interpation of events and situations. I have met some really nice people on this site, which I hope I can call friends. Hope to meet more. RoseNell
Published on August 4, 2008 By RoseNell In OS Customization

Good afternoon everyone.

I am still having problems with my CursorFX Plus sticking.  When moving my cursor around on the page of any site it sticks.

Does anyone eles have this problem. 

I have never been able to use it since I went Vista, but I thought maybe after all this time it would work better.

Tickin' me off.  Cause I like it.

Never had any problem with the old Cursor.. Hmmmmmm?????



on Aug 04, 2008
Stardock needs to give CFX a good hard look into its problems.Most of us use a cursor every day.Skinners make some beautiful examples,only to crippled by buggy software.I'll say no more. (
on Aug 04, 2008
Hi ya RoseNell. Do you have another cursor program active? I'm not on Vista, but I had to close CursorXP Plus befor CursorFX Plus would work properly.

If that's not it then I suggest you contact support. It has to be something simple.   
on Aug 04, 2008
  Thanks Wizard1956 I have to agree with you. I would really like to use it. NOT only because I paid for it, but also because I love it. Oh well, keep hoping they have fixed the bugs.
Thanks for you response...
on Aug 04, 2008
Hi Philly, how are you???
Thanks for your suggestion but I don't have any other cursor program on my computer but that one.

I will have to contact support but I was hoping maybe someone would see this post from there.   

What the heck does Karma mean on here???  

Take care and thanks....

on Aug 04, 2008
It would always be best to file a support ticket at support@stardock.com with as much information as possible, including screenshots.  This will ensure the problem is logged.  Thanks!

on Aug 04, 2008
Thanks Island Dog. I did file a support ticket..