Just my thoughts and interpation of events and situations. I have met some really nice people on this site, which I hope I can call friends. Hope to meet more. RoseNell
Published on April 20, 2007 By RoseNell In Customization Software
oK, I wish that when Icons are made for the Desk Icons that more times they would all so make them for Object Dock. I know , it must be a girl thing but I like my things to match. I know I am just a user and not a contributing skinner , but I do love this site and think you skinner's are wonderful artist. I have this great wall and can't find Icons to match to make it look GREAT. Thanks
Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 21, 2007
so I convert to .png just before using on the dock. It's a reasonably quick method once you've done it a few times.

I know how to convert them , I just don't use OD as much as I do RightClick. The RightClick program kinda makes the others not needed for getting around but I use it when I see some flashy Icons that I just must have
on Apr 21, 2007
nfortunately some icon packages do not show up as separate icons

Yes. I've seen that before , but I'm pretty sure you can fix that..but I havent run into it in awhile.
on Apr 21, 2007
Thanks everyone for all your help. Greatly appreciated. Still learning. I am in my second year with Wincustomize and I love it. I am hooked. Its the first site I go to everyday. Thanks again.
on Apr 27, 2007

I must be doing something wrong. I walk through all your steps but when I get to saving file as and go to OD docklets, I make a new file but it won't let me hit OK, it opens the empty file. Any suggestions?????
on Apr 27, 2007
Fuzzy Logic....

I have followed your steps , but when I get to Save as , and go to OD and click on Docklets and make a new folder, it won't let me click OK, it open the empty folder.
And suggestions????
on Apr 27, 2007
Sorry repeat post. Though it didn't post.
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